Experienced problem solvers in software engineering.
Since our inception in 2013, we have worked as software consultants. Neodev is characterized by engagement and openness, from recruitment to end customers, and over the years we have attracted employees who share these values. For us, software engineering is more than just coding. It’s about seeing the bigger picture, solving problems and overcoming challenges.
Therefore, we can guarantee a quality and competence that is hard to match. Our open model ensures consultants who take responsibility not only for themselves but also in their work.

Software specialists.
In the world of web development, technology advances quickly. With a fundamental understanding of interaction design and sound programming principles, we deliver interfaces that meet end-user expectations.
Mobile apps.
Some problems can only be solved with a well-written mobile app! An app that is designed from the ground up for the mobile experience, programmed in the operating system’s own frameworks. We have specialized expertise in both Kotlin and Swift!
[In the pipe]
A well-functioning pipeline is essential for a successful development team. In agile development, CI and CD are a must to deliver quality in time. Our background in test development gives us solid foundational knowledge in the devOps world.
Machine learning.
During the past years, there has been a real revolution in both software and hardware, which has given us plenty of new opportunities to use smart solutions in more and more industries and products. Neodev has invested in machine learning for several years and has many experts in the field with several projects under their belt! Read more about how we work with machine learning here!
Data science.
Understanding data and what can be extracted from it is one of the major tasks in today’s AI/ML landscape. Our data scientists can help you tackle large data sets, extract valuable information, conduct pre-studies for machine learning projects, or set up a functioning MLOps pipeline.
Custom tools.
Custom written applications are needed in several different areas. We have experience in developing applications for production, testing, administration, etc. in several industries such as Automotive, Medtech, Telecom, and more.
[Perfect fit]
Cloud-based infrastructure is a piece of cake for us! We have expertise in Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud Platform. Everything from setting up a web server, via cloud functions, to configuring DNS settings.
Some previous projects.
Alarm center
Elderly and chronically ill individuals who live in regular housing (i.e., not in any type of institution) can use a personal alarm system. If something were to happen (e.g., an accident), they can easily press a button to get in touch with someone who can assist them.
When the user triggers the alarm, it is often sent to an alarm center that initiates a call with an operator.
As subcontractors, we designed a new alarm management system with a focus on integrating cases (so that alarms and their management are not handled separately), with the goal of reducing the number of missed follow-ups.
This included both UX design and development of the alarm center, a web application with VoIP functionality and a real-time updated alarm queue, which runs on the operators’ computers in the alarm center.
App and tool development
Application and tool development for companies that develop software libraries for modeling.
GUI programming in Java with SWT/Jface and server logic in Python for an application that compiles and simulates models. HTML documentation generation in Java with Freemarker and Jsoup. Documentation validation with Node.js.
Smartphone app
Product development in a startup company focusing on personal safety. Design and development of an iOS app written in Swift with a strong emphasis on user-friendliness, as well as integration with MongoDB database for real-time updating of user data.
An agile development team consisting of both front-end and back-end developers working closely together.
Frontend for network cameras
Development and design of web interfaces in a world-leading company in network cameras. Working in a small team to customize a web application for specific products.
Test rig control
Design and implementation in C# of test rig control. The test rig is used for mechanical prototype validation and end-of-line testing in the automotive industry.
The project was a full-scale commitment from use case analysis to commissioning. The assignment also included upgrading to and validating new control electronics.
3D reconstruction
Work with computer vision, computer graphics, and image analysis on hardware-constrained systems with the goal of 3D reconstruction. Implementation is done in a Linux environment using MatLab, Java, C++, and parallelized with OpenCL and OpenGL.
Audio enhancement algorithm
Work on an audio enhancement algorithm designed to run on mobile devices. Development and evaluation code is developed in Matlab, and CPU-optimized code is written in C++.
Driver & kernel modules
Product development in a world-leading company in network cameras and video encoders. Writing device drivers and kernel modules for an embedded Linux system. The work also includes conducting feasibility studies for new camera features. Programming is done in C and Python.
Installation tool
When a surveillance system is to be installed, for example, at an airport (or a sports arena or store), an installer visits the location. They create a plan for camera placement (and other equipment) and assess the network requirements (network-connected cameras often require Power over Ethernet and switches that can handle bandwidth and power demands) as well as the storage needs.
To facilitate this process, a web app with offline support was created. The goal was for the installer to be able to run the app on a tablet and use it as a tool during the on-site visit.
The app calculates all the requirements and suggests solutions from the product range (e.g., accessories, network video recorders, and other equipment). It can then generate a Bill of Materials (BOM) and other useful documents.
A mapping feature was developed where the installer can place cameras on a Google Map (or an uploaded floor plan). UX design and frontend development were carried out by a small team within the company in question.